Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Laramie, WY — Rocky Mountain Synod — Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Lent Sermon Series: The God of 2nd Chances

As we journey through the Bible, we witness God continually offering humanity a second chance to start afresh. Even in the Old Testament—the Hebrew Scriptures—we see instances of God’s grace and mercy.

The story of the flood, though tragic, represents God’s attempt to give humanity a second chance. Ezekiel 37:1-14 tells the story of the Valley of Dry Bones, where God renews the Israelites’ hope and life after their exile in Babylon.

In the New Testament, Jesus shares the parable of the Prodigal Son. The son who left his father, squandered his wealth, and suffered, returns home. His father, instead of reprimanding him, embraces him with open arms and joyfully offers him a second chance

Another profound example is the story of Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples. Though Peter denies Jesus three times, Jesus later gives him the opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment, restoring him to a position of trust and significance.

The ultimate second chance is embodied in Jesus Christ. Through His life, Jesus inspired and forgave many. His healing stories went beyond physical restoration; they reintegrated people back into their communities and families. Lepers who were once isolated were given a chance to live as God intended.

God’s act of ultimate grace was sending Jesus to live among us, to teach us, and to bring us back into a relationship with Him. This grace culminates in the cross, where Jesus’ sacrifice embraces all humanity, offering the world what it cannot achieve on its own.

This Lent, we will explore the theme of second chances through various topics, connecting them to the overarching narrative of Scripture.

Preaching Schedule:

Ash Wednesday           March 5th            Nathan Keith                2nd chance to Live

Sunday                          March 9               Nathan Keith                2nd chance to Love

Wednesday                   March 12            Steven Barrett               2nd Chance to Dream

Sunday                          March 16            Nathan Keith                2nd chance to Forgive

Wednesday                   March 19            No Worship_

Sunday                          March 23             Thom Edgar                 2nd chance to Welcome

Wednesday                   March 26            Denise Geller               2nd chance for Faith

Sunday                          March 30            James Apronti              2nd chance to Accept

Wednesday                   April 2                 Eileen Hawkey            2nd chance to Serve

Sunday                          April 6                 Nathan Keith                2nd chance to face a fear

Wednesday                   April 9                 Phil Rabon                    Give yourself a 2nd chance

Sunday                          April 13              Nathan Keith                2nd chance on Church